
Archive for December, 2011

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Dear Friends, Family and UN-aliens,

If you are have ever thought that there is something seriously wrong in this country, but could not quite put your finger on what ‘it’ is, you are in for at least (4) surprises!

For one thing, many people have felt or feel this way. You are not alone. For another surprise, there is an answer as to exactly what ‘it’ is and when ‘it’ started. Third on the list is that there is actually something that WE the People can do about ‘it.’ And finally, it is really simple (not easy) but simple and it will not take a lot of OUR time.

What is an UN-alien? Well if you are are a citizen of the United States of America, you are an UN-alien.

According to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, WE the People are endowed with –


“…certain unalienable rights that among these are

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

excerpt from the Declaration of Independence 1776

I have written a book called RESET “An UN-alien’s Guide to Resetting Our Republic” Book 1: Concealed & Revealed. I NEED your help in reading and reviewing this work. EVERYONE IN THIS COUNTRY should read this book!

This is not just me saying this. Once you read it, you will agree with that statement.

You are personally invited to find out more information. Please check out:


or order an ebook




Thank you for helping me, help you help US, WE the People!

1 of WE,

an UN-alien

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