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© 2013 by Dahni

all rights reserved


Image of Bartholdi’s original terracotta statue

   How would you like to have a treasure in your hands?

   How would you like to have a mystery, a treasure, a miracle so incredible and there was no one or few that even know about it? What would you do? Would you shout it out from the highest mountain and let it reverberate from sea to shining sea? I would! So did the founders of the United States of America when Liberty was written in the Declaration of Independence, published July 4th, 1776. Did you know it almost never happened? Did you know the Constitution of the United States in 1789 almost never happened? Did you know a French sculptor named Frédéric Bartholdi wanted to present a colossal monument to the United States from France for the bicentennial, July 4th, 1876? Did you know that it did not happen because, there was not enough interest and certainly not enough money to make it happen? He persisted anyway and finally, ‘She’ was dedicated on October 28, 1886.

   Did you know that the Statue of Liberty underwent a 30 million dollar face-lift’ in 2012, only to be closed due to hurricane Sandy? Did you know the statue was not damaged, but the park and the statue has been closed and is scheduled to re-re-open again for a re-re-dedication on July 4th, 2013? Did you know this would mark Her 127th year since She was dedicated and Our 237th year, since We the People began?

   How would you like to know that an original 21″ Bartholdi bronze statue might exist and has been hidden, unseen and unknown since it was made by the sculptor 129 years ago, referenced in a U.S. Patent that he made to drum up support and funds, so that WE the People could have this symbol of our, “Liberty, Enlightening the World?”

Is this the “missing” Bartholdi statue?

   Would you believe that I wrote a post on this blog: https://ourladyliberty.wordpress.com/2009/06/17/lady-liberty-birth-of-an-idea/ in 2009 and recently (2013), I received comments from a man (Eric of Sarasota, FL) that has such a statue? Would you believe that all he wants to do is to share this statue with the world? What a story, what a book, what a movie; what a miracle this could be to all of US, WE the People!

   What does Liberty mean to you? What would you do for Liberty? What can you do? Excellent question? Let us each start here!

   Without being able to absolutely verify the authorship of the following poem, as it seems latent with controversy, though it may have been written in the 1700’s, I will quote it simply as: -author Unknown-

One Man Awake 

One man awake awakens another,
The second man wakens his next door neighbor,
And three awake can rouse the town, 
and turn the whole place upside down.
And many awake can raise such a fuss, 
That it finally awakens the rest of us. 
One man up with dawn in his eyes – multiplies. 

-author Unknown-

   Share this post with everyone you know and by any means available. Eric of Sarasota, FL is a real and credible person. I have his email address. We have spoken by phone. See his comments to me at the above referenced blog post. I am respecting his privacy and helping to protect his treasure. Let US, WE the People awaken to awaken “the rest of us!” Let US each 1 reach 1 of US, WE the People and help keep the beacon of Liberty Enlightening the World!” 

   Contact/comment me for more information.

   She is in your hands!


Youtube video:
the band – Leeland
album – The Great Awakening

Thank you for helping me, help you help US, WE the People!

1 of WE,

an UN-alien

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